Feb. 28, 2023

Zach Skow: From "90 Days to Live" to Marley's Mutts! Encore Presentation

Zach Skow: From

Zach Skow, Marley’s Mutts Founder rescued Marley, a Rottweiler-Pit Bull  from the Mojave Shelter in 2002 at eight weeks old. He used to carry him around in a backpack with just his head poking out.

​When Zach was diagnosed with end-stage liver disease, it was Marley who helped pull him from despair and into the fight. It was his relentless love, omnipresent affection, and “today can be the best day of our life” mentality which helped Zach live again.

​When Zach contemplated suicide, Marley looked at him with a blinding affection that just couldn’t be ignored.  He forced Zach to love himself by giving unconditional love.

Zach founded Marley’s Mutts in 2009 and nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status was granted in 2010. Growing from a nonprofit about dog rescue providing second chances and  rescuing the unrescuable dogs, was the Pawsitive Change® Prison Program and Miracle Mutts® Therapy Dog Program.  

Sadly, Marley was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 15 and fought a courageous battle. He crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in 2016 Marley’s Mutts and the Mutt Militia are his legacy.

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